United States: Amidst the expanse of the United States, instances of maladies that defy remedy have surged, and medical practitioners situated in Aurora, Colo., assert that they are also rapidly proliferating among juvenile cohorts.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), encompassing Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, epitomizes autoimmune ailments that unleash havoc upon the gastrointestinal tract. When engulfed in the throes of an exacerbation, sufferers endure symptoms reminiscent of severe gastroenteritis for spans extending from days to even years, according to CBS News.
Should these maladies remain unaddressed, authorities caution that they may, at times, culminate in transformative surgical interventions, including the excision of intestinal segments.
As of 2023, 2.6 million individuals in the United States bore the burden of an IBD, constituting nearly one percent of the American populace, as per the Crohn’s Colitis Foundation. This figure represents a marked escalation from 2019 when the foundation documented a mere 1.4 million cases nationwide.
Your Investigator, Kati Weis, finds herself ensnared within that statistical milieu – diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease in 2022. In commemoration of World IBD Day, she endeavors to foster discourse surrounding these afflictions to reassure others of their communal plight and the existence of a glimmer of hope on the horizon.
She engaged in dialogue with Pauline Clayman, a 15-year-old high school sophomore hailing from Denver, who found herself diagnosed with Crohn’s at the tender age of nine, as highlighted by CBS News.
Clayman recounts the genesis of her ordeal, which commenced during a familial sojourn to Asia. Antecedent to the expedition, she had already evinced signs of emaciation; however, her symptoms spiraled out of control upon foreign shores.

“At the zenith of my affliction, I was ensnared in an unending cycle of frequent visits to the lavatory, incessant bouts of emesis… enduring ceaseless gastric tumult,” Clayman recounted. “It was profoundly disconcerting, as we traversed foreign terrain, only to return home to a chorus of medical practitioners proffering divergent diagnoses, subjecting me to a battery of needle pricks in a futile endeavor to ascertain the root cause of my tribulations.”
She underwent a gamut of therapeutic modalities before fortuitously discovering one that resonated with her physiology.
“The initial regimen I adhered to precipitated an acute manifestation of psoriasis, necessitating a switch to an alternative therapeutic agent,” she elaborated, CBS News highlighted.
Presently, she undergoes intravenous infusions at intervals spanning six to eight weeks. These sessions entail visits to a medical facility, with each infusion enduring for a duration of up to three hours.
Clayman’s attending physician, Dr. Edward Hoffenberg, co-director of Children’s Hospital Colorado’s IBD Center, shepherded her through her convalescent odyssey, forging a bond that transcends the confines of the doctor-patient relationship.
Hoffenberg avers that instances of IBD akin to Clayman’s are burgeoning amongst pediatric demographics at an unprecedented rate, a phenomenon he deems disconcerting.
“We’re witnessing a surge in pediatric cases, with patients presenting at increasingly tender ages, often manifesting severe symptomatology. The advancement of our field has facilitated the identification of infants and toddlers in the nascent stages of the disease, presenting with debilitating symptoms such as diarrhea, hemorrhage, failure to thrive, and emesis. Conversely, others may manifest with atypical manifestations in the form of dermatological and musculoskeletal manifestations, masquerading as food allergies,” Hoffenberg elucidated.
He postulates that while genetic predisposition underpins a subset of pediatric IBD cases, investigators at his institution are increasingly attributing causality to environmental factors.
“A cohort exists wherein the etiology defies facile explication through the prism of monogenic inheritance,” Hoffenberg elucidated. “Hence, speculation abounds as to the contributory role of dietary constituents, processed consumables, or the indiscriminate employment of antimicrobial agents. Yet, the fundamental precipitants underpinning this precipitous uptick remain shrouded in ambiguity.”
Yet another impediment manifests in the form of exorbitant treatment expenses, according to CBS News.
“The financial exigencies associated with extant therapeutic regimens are prohibitive, with charges amounting to tens of thousands of dollars annually, particularly for parenteral formulations. Conversely, oral formulations may command a slightly lower price point, albeit still commanding a considerable financial outlay, ranging from USD 10,000 to USD 30,000 per annum,” Hoffenberg lamented. “Whilst insurance underwrites a significant portion of these costs, an increasingly sizable proportion is borne by the afflicted families.”

In the absence of insurance coverage, access to these medications is tantamount to a mirage.
“We’ve encountered families grappling with the stark reality of being unable to afford the pharmacological armamentarium indispensable for the management of their wards’ maladies, a predicament fraught with profound distress,” Hoffenberg articulated.
When probed regarding requisite improvements to ameliorate patient care, Hoffenberg underscored the imperative of augmenting funding for research endeavors aimed at deciphering the pathophysiological underpinnings of pediatric IBD and expanding access to subsidized healthcare initiatives.
“Augmenting funding allocations for research endeavors targeting rare genetic disorders prevalent amongst pediatric cohorts is imperative, concomitant with bolstering support for programs facilitating access to healthcare services not covered by extant insurance paradigms,” Hoffenberg affirmed.
The expert added, “Furthermore, concerted efforts must be directed towards devising innovative formulations amenable to pediatric patients, obviating the exigency of arduous parenteral administration. A concerted push on the part of pharmaceutical conglomerates to spearhead research endeavors targeting pediatric cohorts represents a watershed moment in our collective quest for therapeutic breakthroughs,” as per CBS News.
In the interim, Hoffenberg underscores the exigency of early detection to optimize treatment outcomes, urging vigilance towards prodromal indicators such as precipitous weight loss, persistent diarrheal episodes, and hematochezia.
These manifestations that Clayman avows have long ceased to afflict her, owing to the efficacy of her therapeutic regimen. She now revels in the liberty to savor an eclectic array of gastronomic delights.
“I ardently harbor the hope that a panacea may one day be unearthed,” Clayman mused. “However, in the absence thereof, I find solace in the advent of orally ingestible formulations, obviating the need for intrusive parenteral interventions or protracted hospital visits.”
She now embarks on the cusp of a fresh sojourn, a 26-day odyssey traversing the rugged hinterlands of southwestern Colorado, undeterred by the specter of Crohn’s disease.
“Maintain a resolute demeanor,” Clayman exhorted, adding, “For there exists an incandescent beacon at the terminus of every tunnel.”