Nearly half of protein powders contain really very harmful heavy metals, which shows the need for stronger industry regulations to protect all the consumers. ...

While bird flu which somehow continues to spread in the U.S., health officials remain cautious, fearing future mutations could actually make the virus more contagious and pose a greater threat. ...

Researchers suggest that antiviral drugs could also help prevent Alzheimer's in people with a virus-related which is subtype of the disease. ...

China's healthcare system is under some pressure from multiple respiratory viruses which mainly includes HMPV, as officials prepare for rising infections during the winter and spring months. ...

Hospitals in Illinois are tightening mask rules visitor restrictions as these respiratory illnesses like COVID-19, flu, and RSV continue to spread rapidly. ...

Health experts warn that during winter, heart patients must take extra precautions, or some safety as cold weather actually increases the risk of serious heart conditions and complications. ...

United States: As the country returns to normal stage of life after the long period of Covid pandemic, many people feel like it’s a actually distant memory. However, infectious disease experts are still carefully watching for any new changes or ...

The CDC has linked to the salmonella outbreak to cucumbers from Sonora, Mexico and posing all the consumers to avoid potentially contaminated cucumbers from SunFed Produce. ...

Vaccination, along with good hygiene practices, is very necessary to prevent the spread of like whooping cough and protect very sensitive infants from major complications. ...

The study suggests that long-term use of acetaminophen which is in older adults can really pose serious health risks, which hereby prompting a re-evaluation of its role in treating chronic conditions. ...